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An Autobiography

Subject Index

Anthony Trollope
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Chapter III

The system of competitive examination and the classes

Keeping a journal and the training of the writer

Building castles in the air and the training of the writer

Chapter IV

On bad publishers

Chapter V

On publishers and their mode of business

On the half-profit system

Chapter VI

A system of writing

More on the half-profit system (against it)

Chapter VII

The small daily task of a writer

On inspiration

Plot vs. characters

The truth of a book

The critic and the author

Chapter VIII

On the Civil Service

On writing reports

On publishing stories in parts

The production of novels in serial form

Novels, as real as if some giant had hewn a great lump out of the earth and put it under a glass case, with all its inhabitants going about their daily business, and not suspecting that they were being made a show of

Chapter IX

Writing more than one novel at the same time

Chapter X

On rapid production

On style

More on rapid writing

On re-reading the manuscript

On characters and time

On satire

On the signature of authors on periodical writing

On hunting

Chapter XI

On aspirants and literary injustice

Established reputation in public judgement

Judging the work of aspirants

Advantages and reward of the successful author

A counsel to the literary aspirant: perseverance and work

Chapter XII

Novels versus poetry

The extension of novel-reading and the teaching of the day

The writer of stories must please and teach

Sensational and anti-sensational novels

In a novel, the reader must sympathise with the characters

The writer must have a story to tell

The writer must live with his characters

The language must be intelligible and harmonious

The length of a novel

There should be no episodes in a novel

On dialogue

A novel must not create tedium

Chapter XIII

On literary plagiarism

Chapter XIV

On literary criticism

Intercourse between author and critic

Chapter XV

The virtue of early hours

Working three hours a day

Chapter XVI

On politics

The advanced Conservative-Liberal

On divine inequality

The Conservative

The Liberal

The advanced Conservative-Liberal (II)

Chapter XVII

International copyright between the United States and Great Britain

Chapter XVIII

On punctuality

Chapter XIX

Travelling with the object of writing

Chapter XX

More on satire

On Christmas stories

More in amount than the works of any other living English author

On constant work

On the happiness of work

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Copyright ©Anthony Trollope, 1883
By the same author RSSThere are no more works at
Date of publicationNovember 2003
Collection RSSWorldwide Classics
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